Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Perseus Protocols

"I will honor the hallowed tools of my craft, and so will I hold fast to the comrade at whose side I stand, and I will defend our altars and our hearths, alone or supported by many. This world I will not leave a diminished inheritance, but greater and better than when I entered it. I adhere to the tenets of justice, wisdom, and compassion. Let the gods be my witness: Zeus, Hermes, and mighty Athena." 

Princess DanaĆ« of Argos lay imprisoned by her father within a bronze tomb. In a golden shower—of light, you dirty thingZeus, king of the heavens, planted his immortal seed within the womb of the princess. From their union, the hero Perseus was born. 

Mother and child escaped to Seriphos, where Perseus would grow, unhindered, into a demigod. Until Polydectes, with the hots for Danaƫ, used his position as ruler of the island to be rid of her interfering son. He set upon Perseus the task of killing the dreaded Gorgon Medusa.

Athena appeared to him in a dream, outfitted in the glorious livery of war, along with her brother, the fleet-footed (and handsome) Hermes. The gods offered powerful gifts: an adamantine harpe sword from Zeus, winged sandals from Hermes, and a mirrored shield from wise Athena. Some say he was also gifted with a helm of invisibility from Hades.

When the hero reached the Gorgon's lair, he passed the stone statues of the many who had been frozen by her gaze. If he faced this threat with imperfect courage, he would become one of the stone people. With Athena's favor, he gleaned her wisdom: use the shield not only to reflect blows, but also to reflect sight. Then, form a strategy. Then strike.

Eyes closed, yet with precision, Perseus swung his sword and beheaded the writhing dread. 

Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - PerseusLooking back, the first weeks of 2020 were the deep silent inhale before the storm. But there were hints and clues, if you knew how to taste the wind, that something catastrophic was coming. A few of us, drunk on the bitter black liquid of peering into the darkness in the world, saw the signs and sought shelter and protection.

Amid the shrieks and howls of misinformation and folly of the first weeks following the escape of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus through China's borders, there was little practical recourse in the physical world for the average person. We resolved not to be average.

Rather than sit and watch, we chose the only path that offered us something hopeful. The path of magic.

It was a strange, twisted, and overgrown path that we followed to reach the Perseus Protocols. The many conspiracies and outlandish claims surrounding the virus sprang up like weeds. It has always been clear that the virus is real, that it is horrible well beyond its deadliness, and that we have only just seen the beginning of its effects. But we perceived that a concerted and pernicious will was certainly driving at least some of its impact.

The complicated figure of Lilith arose in our discussions, prompted by her recent appearances in various media. Was it possible that her name was being invoked in its demonic aspect as a way to propitiate the virus, encourage its spread? There were many signs that convinced us this was the case. 

How could we defend against such a thing? Did we even want to? Lilith was, and still is, after all, also invoked as a protector of women. And what would we do? Cast spells? Create protective amulets? These seemed feeble in the face of chaos.

The answer was theurgy, with a bit of ceremonial magic for good measure. If by our own power we could do little, then by the power of a god we might be able to make a difference. Through dreams, explorations of the astral plane, consultation of oracles, and lively debate, we interpreted the symbols and ideas that became salient to us. 
OlympiaGorgo retouched
A silver thread of spider silk connected Lilith through the ages to the famed monster Medusa. First there was the connection to the lilitu, the demons of Mesopotamian myth. The magicians of ancient Sumer and Babylon protected themselves from these demons through the use of Demon Bowls. Hundreds of years later, in Greece, the spiritual descendants of both Lilith and the Demon Bowl appear in the form of Medusa and the Gorgoneion.

The gods who had aided Perseus in his quest to defeat Medusa would perhaps be willing to do so again. Athena came to us in dreams, and we knew we were on the right path. It was she who would guide us.

We crafted a ritual in which we would re-enact the key moments of Perseus' story: the bequeathal of the godly implements and the defeat of the creature. We invoked the gods Zeus, Hermes, and Athena, using the Hymns of Orpheus, on the day of Jupiter, in the hour of Mars. We propitiated, and before the light of Athena's altar, we imbibed an alchemical spagyric of immunity. Amongst the smoke of our offerings, we toasted the wise goddess, and made our fealty with libations. A feast of food and drink closed out the rite, and from there we walked the halls of Dionysos.

It didn't take long for our efforts to bear fruit. A golden apple, let's say. While the rest of the world despaired behind the iron bars of lockdown and quarantine, we sustained and even thrived. Madness tinged our thoughts, like everyone else, but the consistency and assuredness of Athena's presence gave us clarity. In response to new information or guidance, we adjusted, modified, and expanded. We brought in a fourth member, and added propitiation of the much feared, but ever relevant, Ares.

We knew that we were protected from the virus, and protected from the worst social and physical ills coming as a result. But we knew that if we only protected ourselves, we weren't accomplishing much. We wanted to become soldiers in Athena's army. Her cadre of special forces mages. We wanted to protect our loved ones as well, extending Perseus' mirrored shield beyond ourselves. And we wanted to anticipate and mitigate the effects of the darkest forces at work in our world. 

We cannot do all of that alone. 

So here is our siren call: join the Perseus Protocols. 

Together, we will explore the mysteries of the darkness and the light, building our relationship with the gods, so that we may extend our shield as far as it will go. There is great change and turmoil already underway. Here is our path to emerging from it with purpose and power, to devote ourselves to a better world.

In the posts to come on this blog, we will explore in more detail the Rite of the Perseus Protocols, its philosophical and magical underpinnings, and many other related topics. We invite you to learn and perform the ritual, and engage with us in our quest for further illumination of our new practice. Should you choose to join in our endeavor, we ask nothing of you other than that you share with us your thoughts and experiencesand that you always face the world with perfect courage.

Joyful, wily Hermes is our companion and our guide through this blog. May he carry this message on his winged feet through the ether, to reach your eyes. To beckon you. With a wink and smile beneath his golden blond curls, he reaches out his hand. You know you want to take it.

Until next time, my friends,


  1. Perseus is a bit kitsch but credit for doing something vaguely interesting with such old and tired material. Amusing to see occultniks doing something that's not totally self-absorbed, banal or privatised.

    OA (Occult Acquaintance)

    1. As a colleague of mine once said when I discouraged students writing essays on Copernicus as too mainstream and boring for the examiner if you are younger then it *is* your first encounter with Copernicus so it is fresh and interesting *to you*. That said I still encourage them to stray off the mainstream path, as a lot of examiners are boring/bored/bastards (which one are you OA?) but just not so far as into the lunatic fringe backwoods. I still think it's better to write on Dee or Kepler than Copernicus.

      What is missing from the above posts are the exact details of how we arrived at Perseus which from my point of view was a bit of convoluted path from Ninurta through Mesopotamian Demon Incantation Bowls alongside interpreting architectural details of my apartment (and where we have our base) guided by Raziel, Raphael and Ascended Master Hilarion (totally *not* lunatic fringe :-)). The picture of Lilith in the demon bowls made ''me'' ''think'' of the reflection of Medusa seen in Perseus's mirrored shield and I started to think how antibodies form as ''reflections'' of the virus i.e. complement. I am sure Caduceum, myself and the others will explore that more in further posts.

  2. In ille tempore!

    A revisiting of the Perseus Protocols reminds me of Eliade's views on the sacred:

    "Eliade argues that pre-modern societies viewed time and history as cyclical. Humans participated in history by engaging in behavior designed to imitate original sacred acts that occurred in mythic time, whether they be the creation of the cosmos or the introduction of important cultural practices and social structures. Effectively, all significant human acts were imitative."

    "In ille tempore refers back to the time when the ritual was first practiced by a god, ancestor, or cultural hero, and which is now being repeated by the contemporary human."

    Curious, and will stay posted.

    1. Eliade certainly knew what he was talking about. We have only to look at the origins of theatre in Ancient Greece to see the connections. In ille tempore indeed. Much more to come.

  3. Great you mention the figure of Lilith, yet I don't think it's really complicated. Misunderstood and demonized, surely.
    Her name has been invoked, but mostly, by people who seek to give demonized women some justice. It's like the case of the thousands of women in Latin America protesting for the disgustingly high rate of unpunished rape, murder and brutality. In face of hopelessness, and despite covid, these people went outside in this protest/ritual, fearless of the virus because, and I quote "We are dying anyway." So perhaps, what some people call the evil side of Lilith, is just the answer of someone's prayers, making the privileged ones realize that we are all in the same boat.

    I'm sure Athena would agree with the justice bit, and now I'm curious how she would react to the this pleading for help.

    1. Hi!
      this is Njaal. I just posted a comment, then I read your comment. I just want to say that it's not so easy being a man either. I understand that women had it hard and I am all for equality and stuff, you know, I'm not the kind of guy who is scared to say I'm a feminist. And since we are all in the same boat, is Lilith for me too? I hope I come across the right way!

      Nice to meet you, Screeching Owl! :)
      Greetings from the north, north!

    2. Hi Njaal!

      I'm sorry life is not easy for men either. Isn't is terrible? To have to be home as soon as it gets dark because you might be kidnapped or raped, but you guys totally get us! Because when we go denounce abuse to the authority, the blame is put on us, either because the way we dress or behave. I'm sure it must be hard being a man!

      But sarcasm aside, I have to say that you, Njall, are the best that happened to me this week, you are very funny, and despite our differences, I send you a glance of mercy up there in the freezing cold. I prefer to be closer to the Ecuador.

      Warm greetings.

    3. Hi Screetch! (Hope it's okay that I'm calling you that ;))

      After I wrote you last, I felt a bit sad and read what you wrote again, even out loud, because maybe I can hear better that way. My boss at the gas station is a woman who is very cool, so I spoke to her a little. She told me that even though I'm a really great guy, I need to say that a lot of guys are not! So I will say that now!

      You guys that treat women badly, that are assholes and horsecocks, both in the past and now, I will call you out from the north, north all the way to the Ecuador and beyond!

      I want to know more about your Lilith and your Athene, and the North just became much warmer with your kind words. :)

      Here is a song from me to you:

      Warm greetings from the north, north where the northern lights live.

    4. I do believe I will start calling people a "horsecock" now, thank you Njaal.

      Back to the topic of Lilith, just to play demon's advocate here, what happens if the result of someone's answered prayers to Lilith is more pain and suffering? Is it an eye for an eye? Is that justice?

  4. Hello!
    My name is Njaal and I come from the north, north of Norway. I started getting into this stuff when i started listening to this great podcast called Taakeprat, I really recommend it, but sadly it's in Norwegian and you can't put subtitles on a podcast! Hehe. |Here is a link any way:

    I am quite lonely up here in the North, and so I decided to be more active online and I will be following this blog. Working at a gas station isn't exactly what I planned for my life, if you know what I mean. :(

    I don't know much about greek mytology, except what I learnt in school, which was quite a lot, but I definitely have to brush up on it and will do that when I get home from work tonight. Really looking forward to get started and changing my life around a bit.

    That shield symbol looks great, reminds me a bit of Norse stuff, so thumbs up for that! ;)

    Cosmic Creature, i really liked your comment! :)

    Anyway, this is great, I read the blog post a few times, even out loud, and it made me feel really kinda calm.

    Anyway, this is probably a bit long, but I am just so excited.

    Greetings from the north of the north where winter is coming! ;)

  5. Love the new blog, looking forward to reading more!

    1. Glad to have you here. The new post will be up later today!

  6. I'm attracted too this even if I arrived at a different conclusion I also noticed the rise on worshiping of negative female images to connect with the divine like Lilith and Santa Muerte. In any case any attempt to remember that we are more than flesh and the divine is there for us if we seek it is good in my book even if they have a different name. I will be reading and wishing you the best. Cheers.

    1. Many thanks! What was your different conclusion?

      I'm sure there are some who might bristle at those female images being called "negative," but I'm curious to know how you see this characterization. In the case of higher order beings and our relationship to them, I see "positive" or "negative" as a subjective experience. Certainly those who traditionally worship Santa Muerte don't see her as a negative force. Though, if we're speaking of an energetic charge of sorts, both figures embody "darker" aspects of human nature, and in that context could be said to be negative.

  7. ...Also the ancestor of the Persians by way of his son Perses. Curiously in the constellation of Perseus, there’s a star depicting the Gorgon, called Algol, which means ‘Demon Head/Star’ in Arabic.

    Even more curious is the fact that constellation is brightest during Halloween.

    There’s a link between the feared Iranian (Persian) General Qassem Soleimani - assassinated by the Gorgon monster of the USA - and Covid-19.

    Good luck with your protocols, look forward to reading them.

    1. Those are some very intriguing connections. We had already drawn the link to Algol and the Perseus constellation, but I don't believe we knew about Halloween.

      The Persian link is important to remember, certainly. There are other real world connections we've made, which we hope to discuss at some point in the blog.

    2. That is very interesting - something to add to our Halloween plans perhaps, Caduceum? I was saying on Hermetic Lessons, the other day, that I was very interested in Algol/Lilith/Medusa from the getgo- You remember me badgering Austin Coppock about it many months ago... C? He told me there was nothing outstanding in relation to Algol, the Daemon Star this year - the focus would be Hadean...

      Thanks Spartan - this is most useful!

      Weird backstory to Athena and Medusa here - Poseidon's daughter though? That's clearly wrong so I don't know if they're just making stuff up at this site. Thinking of the connection to the Golden Apple though, Athena does not like to be slighted:

      ''What - I don't get the apple? I'll annihilate Troy then! Condemn you b****** to a cave! F*** y'all, I'm hawt!'' ;-)

  8. Uhm... After centuries, and centuries, and centuries of bullshit, then yeah, I'd say finally there's some justice. At least that would ensure the proper amount of attention ;)


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